
Impact Framework

Investing in Financial Inclusion

Greater access to financial services is more important than ever. Financial services of all types play a critical role in global social and economic development. In this Impact Framework, lay out where we believe investors can allocate capital to meet financial inclusion goals to expand access, improve affordability and increase products and services for underserved populations.

Investing in Sustainable Infrastructure

Through 2030, over $90 trillion will need to be invested in infrastructure to keep pace with population growth and increasing urbanization. This figure represents more than the entire value of all current infrastructure across the globe.   To meet this demand, private capital will have to be deployed, along with public investments and philanthropy. As impact investors, this provides a great opportunity to mobilize capital to target climate-smart infrastructure that provides more services to more people in a more sustainable manner.

Investing in Sustainable Real Estate

As populations grow, economies develop and urban cores reach capacity, the need increases to expand the supply of environmentally sustainable and socially equitable opportunities within the built environment. The built environment refers to manmade surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging in scale from buildings and parks or green space, to neighborhoods and cities that can often include their supporting infrastructure, such as water supply or energy networks. Sonen constructs Impact Frameworks that help guide our investment decision-making within specific social and environmental themes. 

Investing in Sustainable Agriculture

Research indicates that a small number of key interventions can help improve global food security, meet future nutritional needs and improve related environmental concerns, namely water scarcity and climate change. Pursuing such interventions is possible across both public and private market investments, and can advance sustainable agriculture practices globally.

Faith Based Investors Response to Climate Change

Faith-based investors are pioneers in socially responsible investing, and they are among the strongest advocates for aligning investments with organizational missions. Most recently, religious leaders from around the world have espoused a "call to action" regarding climate change related risks and ecological health. We believe our proactive investment approach for achieving positive social and environmental outcomes aligns thoughtfully with the solutions based approach faith based organizations are looking for, without necessarily sacrificing returns.

Sonen’s Investment Approach to Divestment

The Divest-Invest initiative is intended to accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy by divesting from the fossil-fuel industry and investing in socially, environmentally and economically responsible companies. Learn how Sonen helps investors play a key role in leading this global energy transition.

Investing in Water

Water - specifically, how much we use, what we use it for, how much is left and how much we pay for it - has been at the top of many agendas recently. We are pleased to present our Water Framework, the second in a series that presents our views on how to invest in this critical natural resource.

Investing in Energy

Thematic investing creates investment opportunities directly related to social or environmental needs, and often can address both dimensions simultaneously. Sonen constructs "impact frameworks" for multiple impact themes that identify specific social or environmental challenges. These help guide our thinking as we explore different ways to deploy capital. Our Energy Framework is the first in a series available for download now.